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Voith Paper's Advanced Products secure maximum performance at Klabin's PM 24

São Paulo, Brazil: Paper manufacturers have been able to achieve excellent operating and production results by adopting Voith's Advanced Products for optimizing equipment, fabrics, and Voith Paper's rolls.
An evidence of this success can be seen at Klabin's PM 24 machine, which has reached peak performance in its first dryer group at its plant in Goiana, located in the Brazilian state of Pernambuco.

The joint operation between the DuoCleaner Express cleaning system and the "CleanWeave" Evaporite dryer fabric concept has provided for longer fabric service life. The machine's dryer fabrics endured a record operating time of more than 270 days – nearly three times as much as conventional fabrics.

Maintaining clothing permeability thanks to Advanced Products allows for a more efficient drying process, with less web breaks, less impurities, as well as longer service life for the dryer fabrics.

The DuoCleaner uses a very small amount of high-pressure water, thereby ensuring minimal water consumption. The equipment also does away with the chemical products used for the dryer fabric's continuous cleaning operation. This allows for preserving the fabric's permeability as if new.

The DuoCleaner is available in two versions: the Express version for dryer sections and the Excell version for the machine's wet end, and it can be fitted into new as well as existing machines.

Voith has the expertise to provide paper manufacturers with Advanced Products. By jointly assessing the machine's equipment, the company's experts seek to achieve the machine's most optimized operation possible.

Gudrun Köpf

Global Market Communication Manager


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